PICAutoDroid, Mobile Robot using PIC18F452 8-bit microcontroller

PICAutoDroid was my first hobby project. PICAutoDroid is a simple mobile robot controlled by an android device. PIC18F452 8-bit microcontroller coupled with RN-42 Bluetooth module drives the robot as per the instructions received from the android device. An app in the android device takes the instant reading from the built-in sensor gyroscope. Gyroscope senses angular velocity of the device and provides the data in the digital form. The commands are framed by calculating the angular position of the device in the air. Then the commands are sent to the robot over wireless Bluetooth communication link to drive robot left/right. In addition to this, the robot is also commanded via the voice commands.

The components and android app

The control commands to the robot are the function of gyroscope sensor data. The angular position of the android device is input to the robot. The voice commands from the android device are also used to teach the robot. Microcontroller generates PWM signals to control the speed of the DC motor based on the input commands.


Bluetooth module RN-42 communicates with the microcontroller through UART at 115200 baud rate. The RN-42 receives commands from the android device and feeds them to microcontroller.

L293 based Motor Driver is used to control the speed and the direction of the DC motors.


Have a look at the robot in action!